A detailed description of Terence’s TimeWave concept. A biographical tour of our culture from his personal library in the early 80s to what he saw the TimeWave project to 2012. A demonstration of the software Terence originated in his early exploratory period of deep study with the I Ching, the ancient oracular Chinese Book of Changes. A visual description of Terence’s unique theory. Timewave Zero:
Terence McKenna, enthnobotanist and proponent of the psychedelic society, author, word wizard, art historian, examines time and its mysteries, the nature of language, the techniques of ecstasy, high technology and virtual cyberspace, the role of hallucinogenic plants in shamanism and the evolution of human cultures, and the foundations of post-modern spirituality. He invented the Time Wave software to explore the waves of novelty in human history. He has authored several books on entheogens, and brought psilocybin mushroom growing to the masses. Do UFOs originate as psychic projections from our own minds? Terence McKenna is the author of Food of the Gods, Archaic Revival and True Hallucinations and co-author of The Invisible Landscape and Trialogues at the Edge of History. He is a leading thinker in the area of alternative realities. [More]