This video reveals the plans of the international bankers to dominate the entire world both economically and politically. This charge is validated by video clips from C-SPAN, showing David Rockefeller, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright & Warren Christopher, and White House Councelors Mac McLardy & David Gergen describing what they have in mind for the U.S. and the rest of the world, as well. The Creation of the Global Union Though the American Union was derailed in 2005, it is still on the agenda. Visit The Creation Of The Global Union website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.
This two and a half hour presentation, is well researched and presented. Are vacccines safe? Find out how they made it & the LIES about MERCURY Free vaccines. Are Vaccines Safe? At the end a medical doctor discusses how he gave his child a vaccine and it caused him to have severe autism. He vowed never to vaccinate himself or his family ever again after FINDING out the TRUTH! Visit the Are Vaccines Safe? website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.
The government take over of the US economy Where all the money goes Two sets of books Sixty trillion dollars is being held off the books by various state and local governments in the US. Could that be true? Is it even possible? Walter Burien says it is. In this video he explains how it’s done and what we can do about it. Details: The government take over of the US economy The Biggest Game In Town was originally produced on January 8, 2000 by Walter Burien. The government, at all levels, is running a very simple financial con game. If something produces revenue – like bridges, highways, ports, or successful investments etc – that revenue goes into off budget slush funds. If it costs money, it’s charged to the [More]
Alex Jones Unveils the Orwellian Future. Learn the truth behind the Oklahoma City bombing. Find out who is taking over our parklands to biometrics. Watch DPS officers sweat bullets and pray for Alex’s departure! WHAT IS THE COST OF FREEDOM? Big Brother is here. America Destroyed By Design Find out how the sovereignty of the United States is being subordinated to the globalist interests, through such examples as the Foundations at the Presidio and the Panama Canal. See United Nations and Chinese Interests are affecting our nation. Witness the United Nation’s indoctrination of America’s children. Interviews with witnesses of the Oklahoma City Bombing & More… Visit The America Destroyed By Design website to find out more about this film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.
Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties, is the third in a series of Public Interest Pictures films that follows Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election and Uncovered: The War on Iraq. True to their legacy, Unconstitutional provides the facts and stories that illuminate administration lies, wrongheaded policies, and the real victims of these actions–the American people. Here, you’ll get the real story behind the USA PATRIOT Act and other administration policies and the gut wrenching stories behind those affected–from law-abiding store clerks to United States Olympians unable to travel. It’ll remind you of what America used to stand for and what it seems we’re falling for now. In short, this one-hour film will affirm why you’re angry and give you a tool to help others join your ranks. Visit the [More]
During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization maintained to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the Fed is shrouded in secrecy. Phenomenon The Lost Archives Monopoly Men Many Americans will be shocked to discover that the principle business of the Fed is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top-secret international organizations is explored and exposed. Hosted by Dean Stockwell. Visit the Phenomenon The Lost Archives Monopoly Men website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High [More]
Since the early 1990s, Mark Koernke – often referred to by his nickname, “Mark from Michigan” – has been one of the forerunners for the patriot movement. Through a combination of shortwave radio broadcasts, widely distributed videotapes and personal appearances, the university maintenance worker has used his speaking skills to spread his message of “New World Order”. Koernke was one of the leaders in the birth and growth of the militia movement and achieved widespread attention after being “mistakenly” linked to the Oklahoma City bombing. Since then he has suffered numerous setbacks, including prison, but still maintains a loyal cadre of supporters. This is a lecture by Mark Koernke about the U.N take over of the U.S. America In Peril:
The misrepresentation and misapplication of the United States federal income tax constitutes the largest acquisition of wealth by way of deception in history. Larken Rose introduces to Theft By Deception A handful of government lawyers fabricated an intricate maze of legalese which created a perfectly Constitutional tax (a tax on income derived from certain types of international and foreign commerce), but which at the same time could easily be misread to give the impression that the income of all Americans is subject to the tax. Theft By Deception For decades, the American people have been “conditioned” to believe that the income tax applies to all income and trained to pay “their” taxes. All the while, however, hidden in a previously nearly universally misunderstood (therefore misapplied) section of the law known [More]
Aerosol Crimes and Cover Up produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool. Aerosol Crimes and Cover Up – Clifford Carnicom Five plus years into the operations has provided ample evidence in this 90min DVD that covers many topics. Over the years aerosol/chemtrail research has provided some leads but even more questions as to who and why the spraying occurs. It is clear jets are deliberately spraying the sky’s and it will not stop until enough people are aware and willing to stand up for the operations exposure and termination. Visit the Aerosol Crimes and Cover Up website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.
Alex Jones interviews Walter Burien, Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) of 15 years about the biggest game in town. There are over 85,000 Federal and Regional governmental institutions: School Districts, Water and Power Authorities, County and City Governments – and they own over 70 percent of the Stock Market. An absolute MUST-SEE to pull back the curtain of the lies on the private take over of our society. Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed This movie also includes an interview with Joe Banister, former IRS Special Agent exposing that the IRS is a collection agency for the private, run-for-profit Federal Reserve. Visit the Confidential Financial Reports Exposed website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.
This is the first half of the shocking but extremely and timelessly informative video documentary “Vaccination – The Hidden Truth” (1998) where 15 people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, other researchers, and parents’ experiences, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, ironically the important facts presented here come from the orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research, of which a total of well over 100,000 pages has been studied by those interviewed. Vaccine The Hidden Truth: The result is a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects. It shows that parents are not being told the truth by the media, the Health Department and [More]
The war on drugs has been going on for more than three decades. Today, nearly 500,000 Americans are imprisoned on drug charges. In 1980 the number was 50,000. Last year $40 billion in taxpayer dollars were spent in fighting the war on drugs. As a result of the incarceration obsession, the United States operates the largest prison system on the planet, and the U.S. nonviolent prisoner population is larger than the combined populations of Wyoming and Alaska. Try to imagine the Drug Enforcement Administration erecting razor wire barricades around two states to control crime and you’ll get the picture. According to the U.S. Dept of Justice, the number of offenders under age 18 imprisoned for drug offenses increased twelvefold from 1985 to 1997. The group most affected by this propensity [More]
A presentation by Sherry Peel Jackson, Certified Fraud Examiner and Ex-IRS agent. She Challenges all citizens to demand answers from congress about the legality of Federal Income taxes and the Federal Reserve. Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS This is a 2 hour lecture about some of the inner secrets of the IRS, and the fundamental lack of juridical framework that supports it. Visit the Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.
Terence McKenna, enthnobotanist and proponent of the psychedelic society, author, word wizard, art historian, examines time and its mysteries, the nature of language, the techniques of ecstasy, high technology and virtual cyberspace, the role of hallucinogenic plants in shamanism and the evolution of human cultures, and the foundations of post-modern spirituality. He invented the Time Wave software to explore the waves of novelty in human history. He has authored several books on entheogens, and brought psilocybin mushroom growing to the masses. Do UFOs originate as psychic projections from our own minds? Terence McKenna is the author of Food of the Gods, Archaic Revival and True Hallucinations and co-author of The Invisible Landscape and Trialogues at the Edge of History. He is a leading thinker in the area of alternative realities. [More]
Brainwashing 101 is a provocative short film showing how universities use tools such as “speech codes” to force political views upon students. In this cutting exposé, documentary filmmakers Maloney, Browning and Greenberg shine a light on political correctness, academic bias, student censorship–even administrative cover-ups of death threats – at three schools: Bucknell University, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly). Visit the Brainwashing 101 website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD. Brainwashing 101:
Contains hours of eye-popping rare and some never before seen footage that will leave you picking your jaw off the ground, as you see hundreds of artists using satanism and the occult to destroy many lives, and hear them claim they have demons inside them, and that’s where their music comes from. See the story behind the Columbine massacre. Goes behind the scenes to expose the deceptive agendas of many of yesterday and today’s secular artists such as Elvis, the Doors, Led Zeppelin, U2, Creed, Madonna, Britney Spears, Marilyn Manson, MX, Tupac, Tori Amos, the Eagles, and many more. It contains irrefutable evidence that demonic beings are leading the World to destruction in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. An eye opening expose which is sure to convince even the hardest of [More]
The Bush family, the Saudi Royal family, Osama Bin Laden’s family and Donald Rumsfeld’s inner circle – these are just some of the high profile figures who have played a direct role in the rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington. The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger. The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world. This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it’s inception [More]
Votergate is the investigative documentary feature film uncovering the truth about new computer voting systems, which allow a few powerful corporations to record our votes in secret. Votergate speaks directly to voters of all ages, and also to people who have never considered voting before. We show minority communities most powerful voice is their vote. The film surprises, shocks and entertains as characters, like feisty grandmother/rights advocate Bev Harris, expose the truth, take on the gatekeepers and hold them to account. Visit the Votergate Website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD. Votergate:
This video presents one of the most provocative interviews ever conducted by Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge; it is with Gene “Chip” Tatum, a former CIA Black Ops Assassin who was also an Iran-Contra and OSG2 NWO Insider. In this video, you’ll hear Chip discuss his involvement in Operation Red Rock, Task Force 160 and OSG2. Hear him reveal the names of high profile officials who were integrally involved in these CIA covert killing sprees and/or narco-trafficking, directly or indirectly: Oliver “Ollie” North, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. You’ll learn from an “insider” about outrageous U.S. government felony crime and corruption and the impending New World Order destruction of America. You’ll hear his amazing insight concerning the Nixon Administration and the dirty [More]
The U.S. Government has a new ground-based “Star Wars” weapon which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska. Angels Don’t Play This HAARP This new system manipulates the environment in a way which can: Disrupt human mental processes. Jam all global communications systems. Change weather patterns over large areas. Interfere with wildlife migration patterns. Negatively affect your health. Unnaturally impact the Earth’s upper atmosphere. The U.S. military calls its zapper HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program). But this skybuster is not about the Northern Lights. The device will turn on lights never intended to be artifically manipulated. Visit the Angels Don’t Play This HAARP website to find out more about the film & to purchase a High Quality DVD.
A detailed description of Terence’s TimeWave concept. A biographical tour of our culture from his personal library in the early 80s to what he saw the TimeWave project to 2012. A demonstration of the software Terence originated in his early exploratory period of deep study with the I Ching, the ancient oracular Chinese Book of Changes. A visual description of Terence’s unique theory. Timewave Zero:
Ted Gunderson, the 27-year FBI veteran, former Los Angeles Senior Special Agent in Charge, shares compelling evidence and keen insight into the notorious McMartin PreSchool alleged child-molestation case. He shows the link between Satanic ritual-abuse, drug trafficking and the international trafficking in children by the CIA. Ted shares the stage with Linda Wiegand, a mother who has suffered the grief of having lost her two boys to her ex-husband. A man accused by the children of sexuality molesting them under intimidation and threats to their life, and later given custody of them by the court. This video is a must for anyone who is truly interested in the truth about what is going on behind closed doors in this nation and the world! Visit the Satanism and the CIA: International [More]
Based on the best selling book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, narrator Dr. Nick Begich presents a compelling discussion of one of the important military advances of the United States government. Angels Still Don’t Play This HAARP The technology is designed to manipulate the environment in a number of ways that can jam all global communications, disrupt weather systems, interfere with migration patterns, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect your health and disrupt the upper atmosphere. The U.S. military calls this new zapper the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP. The rest of the story is revealed in the patents, technical papers and other documents that continue to emerge regarding this project. Begich has presented on the subject as an expert witness for the European Parliament, Committee on Foreign [More]
Gale Riplinger’s exhaustive six-year collation of new Bible versions, their underlying Greek manuscripts, editions, and editors is culminated by this video. It objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement’s One World Religion. The emerging new Christianity – with its substitution of riches for righteousness, a crown for a cross, and an imitation for a new creation – is shown to be a direct result of the wording in new versions. Gale exposes new version editors’ in agreement with Luciferians, occultists, and New Age philosophy in mental institutions, saoance parlors, prison cells, and court rooms for heresy trials, and most shocking of all; denying that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. Visit the New Age Bible Versions website to find out more [More]